Follow Up Consultation
It is common for slight adjustments to be needed, to ensure you are getting the most out of your treatment, therefore a three month review is beneficial.

We recommend you book a three month follow up appointment to ensure you get the most benefit from your treatment. If you are prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), it can take several weeks to feel the full effects. This review enables you to discuss any queries you might have and your treatment plan to be optimised.
If testosterone therapy was discussed at your initial consultation, a blood test is usually needed before it can be prescribed, to make sure it’s appropriate for you. A blood test will be arranged (if you haven’t already had one) to find out your baseline testosterone level. You will then be contacted by email with the result and if appropriate a prescription can be organised. In some circumstances, you may be asked to book another appointment to discuss the results.
If you are prescribed testosterone, you will need a follow-up consultation after 3 months to establish if it’s working, check for any side effects, and determine if the treatment should be continued. This review appointment will require a blood test to ensure your testosterone does not exceed a female level. If testosterone treatment is continued, a blood test is required at least annually along with an annual follow up appointment.
Follow up consultation fee: £150
Frequently Asked Questions
Here we answer some of the more commonly asked questions about our service. If you don’t see an answer to your query here, please check out our full FAQs section here.
How long will a consultation last?
Initial consultations are 45 minutes. Follow-up consultations are 20 minutes. You can choose a telephone, video or face to face consultation.
How much does a consultation cost?
Initial consultations are £250 and follow up consultations are £150. Your last appointment with the clinic needs to be within the last 2 years to book a follow-up consultation. To obtain a prescription from the clinic, you will need to be seen annually. If you have not been seen in over 2 years you will be booked in as a new patient at the cost of a new appointment.
How many consultations will I need?
Some women will only need one appointment plus or minus a follow up appointment. Follow up appointments are recommended at three months to review your treatment plan and progress. You will be advised if you would benefit from further follow ups and when these should take place. To obtain a prescription from the clinic, you will need to be seen at least annually.