Find here the answers to some of our more frequently asked questions.

How do I book a consultation?

To book a new consultation, please visit the Book Consultation page

Do I need a referral letter from my GP?

You do not need a GP or another doctor’s referral letter to book a consultation. The majority of women self-refer and do not need a letter.
If you have any blood test results or letters from previous relevant medical consultations, then it is useful to bring copies of these with you when you attend for your appointment or email ahead of your appointment.

Can I have a telephone or video consultation?

Yes, you can choose a telephone, video or face to face consultation. Our face to face consultations take place in Cardiff at the Cathedral Road clinic or Penarth at the Wellfield Clinic. Telephone and video consultations are charged at the same price as face-to-face consultations.

How long will a consultation last?

Initial consultations are 45 minutes. Follow-up consultations are 20 minutes. You can choose a telephone, video or face to face consultation.

How much does a consultation cost?

Initial consultations are £250 and follow up consultations are £150. Your last appointment with the clinic needs to be within the last 2 years to book a follow-up consultation. To obtain a prescription from the clinic, you will need to be seen annually. If you have not been seen in over 2 years you will be booked in as a new patient at the cost of a new appointment.

How many consultations will I need?

Some women will only need one appointment plus or minus a follow up appointment. Follow up appointments are recommended at three months to review your treatment plan and progress. You will be advised if you would benefit from further follow ups and when these should take place. To obtain a prescription from the clinic, you will need to be seen at least annually.

Will I need a blood test?

Most women won’t usually don’t need blood tests to diagnose the perimenopause or menopause. Blood tests might be recommended in younger women to confirm a diagnosis or to rule out other causes for symptoms. Sometimes blood tests are done to assess absorption and guide decisions about treatment. Blood test monitoring is required if you are prescribed testosterone.

Do you prescribe bioidentical HRT?

“Body identical HRT” sometimes also called “regulated bioidentical HRT” is the safest form of HRT and is prescribed in this clinic.
This should be differentiated from “compounded bioidentical hormones” these are unregulated compounds of hormones not subject to the same safety checks and quality control. Compounded bioidentical HRT use is not supported by the British Menopause Society and is not prescribed in this clinic.

Do you prescribe testosterone?

Testosterone falls around the menopause and can lead to difficulties with sex drive and sexual function. It is especially important in women with early menopause or POI and surgical menopause. It is indicated for use in women already on oestrogen replacement with a distressingly low libido. You can read more about testosterone and the menopause here.
Male products such as Testim, Tostan and Testogel can be used off licence. Alternatively we can prescribe Androfeme which is licenced in Australia and imported.

How much will the HRT medication cost?

Women who are prescribed HRT are usually given a private prescription for the first few months. The majority of women subsequently receive the HRT (other than the testosterone) from their GP on an NHS prescription. However, some women continue to have HRT as a private prescription from us.

The cost of a private prescription is included in both initial and follow-up consultations. However, outside of these a prescription charge of £30 is payable to cover administrative costs. The private prescription is submitted electronically to our partner pharmacy for safety and efficiency. The pharmacies will charge you for the costs of the medication, dispensing fees and delivery costs, if applicable. Costs of medications will vary depending on the type of medication prescribed, including the dose, quantity and duration.

How will I get my medication?

Our partner pharmacy deliver medication the next day to your home.

How do I contact the clinic if I have a query after my appointment?

You can contact the clinic via email. Three emails are included with your initial consultation. After this you may be recommended to book a follow-up or telephone advice appointment.

Can I have a mirena coil inserted at the clinic?

The Mirena coil can be used to protect the lining of your womb as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and can be particularly helpful in controlling heavy periods, as well as providing contraception where needed. It can be in place for up to five years as part of HRT. Dr Jayne Forrester-Paton does fit coils, but does not currently offer this within the clinic, but can arrange this privately for you if needed.

What is your appointment cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel or rearrange your appointment, please provide us with 48 BUSINESS hours notice. Please note this does not include weekends or bank holidays.

If you cancel with more than 48 business hours notice you will receive a full refund back to the payment card. If you need to rearrange your appointment with more than 48 hours business notice, please contact by emailing: support@yourmenopausedoctor.co.uk Please note that refunds can take up to 10 working days.

If you cancel or rearrange your appointment with less than 48 business hours notice, or do not show for your appointment, the fees are non-refundable, regardless of circumstance.

Book a consultation

Arrange an initial consultation today with Dr. Jayne Forrester-Paton by following the link below.